
Welcome to My Jo March Era

Welcome, dear readers, to Overthinking Like a Girl (appropriately named after something I have gotten really good at).

As a life-long self-proclaimed Meg March, I have officially decided to enter my Jo March era. Thus, I adopted a dog, named him Theodore Laurence, and started a blog. After years of lying to myself, it is time to recognize that I was not born to yearn for nice dresses and marry young (why, God, why??). I was born to have commitment issues, a short temper, and dammit, I was born to write. 

You see, this is not my first blog. I happen to be quite an established blogger. Of course, you probably have not heard of these blogs, as they were a bit underground. And by underground, I mean that I was a sixth grader with 3 followers and a tendency to only write about Joe Jonas and Snoopy. I can only hope that my writing skills have improved since then.

As I approach my quarter-century birthday, I have found myself in a position that I never thought possible: unemployed, living with my parents, and completely without a plan. For someone who previously planned out every hour of her life in a $65 planner, this is uncharted territory. 

How I ended up here is a long story for another day, but I’m hoping that you will be a part of what happens next. My goal is to hold myself accountable for making the most out of this new chapter by documenting the journey here. The ups, the downs, the existential musings- you’ll get it all. And, with any luck, we’ll get to normalize being twenty-something and completely lost. 

Maybe being a Jo should have been the goal all along. After all, she does eventually get everything she dreams of.

In my version, Jo gets to keep her Teddy.

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